Tickets available for purchase at downstairs bar or by calling/texting Clint Rockey at 570-274-5103.
$10 Donation includes draft beer, hamburgers, hot dogs, finger foods. Chicken BBQ available for purchase for $10. Rip tickets and other side raffles will be going on throughout the afternoon.
FDE SCCY 9MM, Springfield XDS 40SW, Remington R51 9mm, Taurus Spectrum 380, Taurus Millennium G2, Taurus PT – 22, Heritage Arms Revolver 22/22mag, SIG P320 45 ACP,Glock 23 40SW,S&W Bodyguard 38 sp
Winner responsible for gun registration fee. Prizes must be picked up at Youngs Sporting Goods, 252 Duke Street, Northumberland within 30 days. Alternate gun option if gun won not available.
Small Games of Chance License #4975